Exam Results Marylebone

Exam Results

In the 2022/23 academic year, AHS expanded the number of courses and qualifications on offer, and saw excellent assessment results from students across the board. A particular highlight was our GCSE results, given this was the first time our students sat GCSEs at AHS.

We offered five Level 2/GCSE equivalents and one Level 3 qualification this year.

  • 75% of students who sat GCSEs passed, with an impressive 100% pass rate in English.
  • We had three students achieve level 2 in ICT, which was a new course for the 2022/23 academic year.
  • Our students also achieved a 100% pass rate across the board in all BTEC, Arts Award and ASDAN courses.

This was our second year offering BTEC to AHS students, and we increased the subjects available by 33% from 2021/22. New subjects included a Level 1 Introduction to Hospitality & Tourism Award and an expanded offering of Pre-Vocational Certificates.

For students studying towards Arts Awards, 100% achieved their personalised target by the end of the academic year, with one student achieving the highest possible recognition – a Gold Arts Award. In addition, 100% of school leavers who were studying ASDAN courses left with the ASDAN qualification they were working towards.

We are proud of all our students for these wonderful achievements, and are looking forward to continued academic success in the year to come.


Qualification Analysis: 2022/23 Results

EL1 EL2 EL3 L1 L2 GCSE Total
Eng 1 6 7 4 18
Maths 1 1 4 4 10
ICT 3 3


BTEC L1 Art & Design (Award) L1 Into Applied Science (Award) Pre Vocational (EL1) Cert Pre Vocational (EL1 Ext Cert) Pre Vocational (EL2 Cert) Level 1 Intro Cert in Vocational Studies L1 Intro Hospitality & Tourism (Award) Intro L1 Art & Design (Award) Total
Pass 4 12 9 5 3 1 2 3 39
Fail 0


Arts Award Explore Discover Bronze Silver Gold Total
Pass 1 3 15 5 1 25
Fail 0


ASDAN Key Steps Level 1 COPE Level 2 COPE Total
Pass 7 4 11
Fail 0