School Life Marylebone

School Life

The Senior School at Marylebone is comprised of students in Years 7-13. We run an overlap of Years 7 and 8 in our Senior and Prep Schools. For 11 and 12 year olds, we can choose to teach them in a familiar, comfortable setting where they’re the oldest – or in a larger school where they’ll be with older classmates. Flexibility means we can cater to their needs exactly.

The transition into secondary school is a key milestone in a child’s development.
Our Senior School students are presented with increased responsibilities, privileges and challenges to help them continue to develop skills and confidence to achieve independence beyond our doors. We recognise that each student will progress at different rates, and they are strongly supported with this transition across all areas of the school.

As many of our students may be studying outside of year group, or demonstrate skills and needs both below and above their chronological ages, our classes will often consist of mixed ages and classes are structured to ensure appropriate academic and social groupings.

The School Day

School opens at 8.30am, and lessons are from 8.45am-3.30pm. There are 6 full lessons in the day, with core subjects being taught in the morning.

Each day starts with a 20 minute Wellbeing lesson or activity, in which all staff and students participate in to positively prepare them for the day.  Students participate in a minimum of three Enrichment Lessons a week (last lesson of the day).

Break and lunch times are structured and supervised and students have a variety of activities to participate in, both on site, as well as at the local playground and Fourth Feathers Community and Youth Centre.  In warmer months, we also make use of Regent’s Park.

Education Outside the Classroom

We make full use of our central London location to enhance our students’ learning experiences through regular school trips, such as museums, exhibitions, productions and music events.  Guest speakers and workshops are held at school throughout the year in line with what the students are learning.

Outdoor education and activities are run in the summer term, with a residential trip held annually for our older students.

Home/School Partnership

Abingdon House School is a very supportive and close knit community.  Staff are in regular formal and informal contact with all families, and there are regular information evenings and workshops on offer for parents and carers to attend.

The Parents’ Association is very strong and an integral part of our school community.  They meet regularly with each other and work closely with the Headteacher and other staff to support and enhance the schooling experience for all of our students.