Curriculum South Kensington

Our Prep school curriculum is rich, broad and balanced. Everything we do is underpinned by the core subjects of English and Maths and is taught using an integrated therapeutic approach.

The holistic curriculum is ambitious and gives our students the opportunities to access any one of our 3 distinct pathways beyond AHS Prep. We teach a mainstream style timetable supplemented by therapeutic lessons of life, social and fine motor skills as well regular targeted intervention sessions.

The thematic nature of our curriculum and multisensory teaching brings learning to life and gives students the best opportunity to increase both their enjoyment and understanding of the material. This in turn facilitates our students to become engaged and independent learners.

In addition we enrich our curriculum with educational trips to the local area as well as having focussed days and activities in school such as World Book Day, Science Week and Equality and Diversity afternoons.