Special Educational Needs

Abingdon House School offers students a mainstream-style education with a specialist teaching approach.

We welcome students aged 7-19 years with autistic spectrum condition, specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyspraxia and ADD/ADHD, social communication difficulties, anxiety and other associated needs. 

While the majority of students would have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), it is not a requirement that students have an EHCP to attend Abingdon House School.  Our multi-disciplinary team works closely with internal and external professionals to ensure that needs and progress are continually monitored, and interventions adapted in line with each students’ progress.

The teaching and integrated therapy at Abingdon House School focuses on supporting the barriers to learning faced by students with Special Educational Needs, such as working memory, processing speed, executive functioning, sensory processing, social communication needs, anxiety, as well as the impact these may have on a student’s confidence and self esteem.

We understand your child’s individual needs and strengths and provide an aspirational and nurturing learning environment.  Nurturing confidence, self belief, mental health and wellbeing underpins all aspects of our curriculum and the school day.  Our holistic approach enables our students to develop the academic, personal, and social skills and knowledge to thrive at school and beyond our doors. 

The school day is very structured with supports such as visual timetables, sensory diets, movement breaks/transition time, and specialist learning equipment and programmes in place for all students. Bespoke supports and interventions are also put in place to support students’ individual needs.

Our integrated therapy model ensures consistency of approach throughout the school and enables students to apply and generalise their skills across all areas of their learning and development. 

The highly skilled ‘Special Provision Team’ is impressive in its breadth of expertise. The SENCos and multi-disciplinary team of therapists support and work with subject teachers and have input across the curriculum. The whole school benefits from this approach.

CReSTeD inspection

As they join us, all students are given a chromebook for use at school, and all work is done through Google Classroom and the Google Suite.